Co Op Housing Society Bye Laws In Marathi Pdf


Society bye-laws (1822) Society Rules (1719) Housing society Bye-law (1596) Society consultant (1256) Housing society consultant (1026) Irregularities in cooperative housing societies (972) Discrimination in society (838) Complaint against society (812) Society Management (523) Unfair committee decision (522) Maintenance charges (473) Society. New Model Bye-Laws Of Co.Op. Housing Society- 2021 Co-Operative Housing Societies - Simplified Hand Book The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 & Rules, 1961. Powers of the Registrar to amend bye-laws. An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies in 2the Province of West Pakistan. A “housing society” means a society formed with the object of providing its.

Maharashtra Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws. 1. PRELIMINARY. 1. (a) Name of the Society: The name of the Society shall. Mar 13, Smart way to manage your Co-Operative Housing Society. Web based Apartment Home; Blog. Bye Laws for Housing Society in Maharashtra. Aug 19, Procedure To Recover Dues From Housing Society Maintenance Bill Defaulters. In current situtation running a society smoothly depends on.

Co Op Housing Society Bye Laws In Marathi Pdf
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Recent changes in Maharashtra Co-Operative Society Act 1960

Applicant to take 10 shares of Rs. Ownership in the property individually or jointly with others is must and whose name does not stand first in the share certificate. Education and training of Co-operative members, committee members, officers and employees —.

Co Op Housing Society Bye Laws In Marathi Pdf Download

Housihg and Training fund of Rs. Sinking fund can be utilized by the society and no permission of the Registrar is needed. General body permission, however, is a must.

NOC of society for transfer of flat or property is not required.

Bye Laws for Co-operative Housing Society in Maharashtra | SocietyRun

However, Rule 24 and Bye-law No. Elections of management committee must be notified six months in advance and to be held under the supervision of the newly constituted State Co-operative Election Authority SCEA. housin

Casual vacancy in management committee to be informed to Election Authority and co-option is not allowed. Appointment of Auditors, their Remuneration, Rights and Responsibilities, removal etc. The auditor should be a panel auditor and maximum appointment for consecutive three years and maximum 20 audits excluding for societies with a paid capital of less than Rs.

Additional responsibility to file FIR if misappropriation, etc is provided. Cash expenses limit Rs. Cash in Hand at the close of the day limit increased from Rs. For encroachment of common areas by members to be charged at magarashtra times the monthly maintenance charges for the period of such encroachment.

Co Op Housing Society Bye Laws In Marathi Pdf 2017

Filing of Annual Mandatory Returns with the Registrar. Penalties prescribed for various offenses and a consolidated penalty for all defaults to be Rs.


The Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures Rules,made it mandatory for building owners and residents to conduct half — yearly fire safety audits and submit the report to mahharashtra fire department. Your email address will not be published. The condition for membership — Applicant to take 10 shares of Rs. Other Important bye law provisions auditor should know: One time limit for repairs and maintenance expenses management committee can decide is Rs.

Mandatory filing of Annual returns and auditors appointment should be insisted for. Security bond for holding cash from the employee and officer and if paid up capital is less than 1.

Copy maharzshtra Bye laws, list of members to be kept open for inspection to the public free of charge. You May Also Like. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws Free Download In Marathi Pdf

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